Top Dogs for Your Protection & Companionship

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On Guard: Inside the World of Elite Security Dog Training

Security comes in many forms, from armed guards to bulletproof windows to technology that can monitor every corner of a sprawling estate or your special home. But among the most ancient forms of security are specially trained canines, offering their owners far more comfort than a fleet of drones. An elite group of specialists can supply their clientele with dogs of impeccable breeding and training.

South Carolina-based Harrison K-9, provides home security dogs to high-net-worth individuals, professional athletes and entertainers with Grammys or Oscars on their shelves. The company deals exclusively with a refined bloodline of German Shepherds from Europe, resulting in exceptionally keen, agile and intelligent dogs free from some genetic issues facing Shepherds bred in the U.S.

 Harrison K-9’s training company insists that a premium home security dog requires a different style of training than military or police dogs, and the company’s animals are specifically bred and trained for family environments.

“We don’t want a soldier and we don’t want a robot,”  who adds, “We focus primarily on providing a companion, but one that will be there for you when you need help.”

Prices for Harrison K-9 pooches generally range from $37,000 to $47,000.  Holley's company maintains her clients recognize local police departments are overburdened and feel the need for frontline security that is compatible with their children and other pets. Female German Shepherds are particularly well-suited to homes for which there is a perceived kidnapping threat, suggests Holley, who explains the dogs’ maternal instincts result in a natural tendency to hover near small family members.

During a rigorous three-month process, (sometimes longer) animals at Harrison K-9 are trained by both male and female staff — they sometimes even involve their children in these sessions — to encourage dogs to respond to handling skills rather than fear or intimidation.

“Our dogs are trained in English, German and hand signals and understand that commands from a woman are just as important as those from a man,” explains Holley. She reports that commands in other languages (e.g. Spanish, Chinese, Japanese) are incorporated into training for bilingual households, illustrating the intelligence of these animals.

The animals Trikos places in private homes require more intensive training than military or police dogs, as they must be acclimated to homes with pets, children and other distractions. Noting his wealthy clients are likely to spend as much for a single private jet trip or on a hand of blackjack in Las Vegas, Ritland believes the high  price tag is a bargain for family security. He also suggests a dog, after properly bonding with its owner, represents the most reliable security system, offering early detection as well as both defensive and offensive measures. “You’re buying a 24/7 companion that can’t be bought or bribed, and unlike an electronic security system, it can’t be bypassed or defeated,” reports Ritland, adding, “The dog is also safer than a weapon that can be taken or used against you.”  Sounds like a wonderful investment if it fits the needs and budget of your family.  For further information please contact:

908 803-0472
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