Sustainable Reusable Glass in Your Home

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Judith Sutton ABR CRS IDS PMN ASP IAHSP SRES GREEN   908 803-0472


Sustainable Reusable Glass in your Home!

Thinking about replacing your bathroom tiles or granite countertops?

Beautiful!    Sustainable!    Durable!

These days, you don’t have to look far to see upcycled glass.  Glass can be recycled for large-scale home products like countertops, wall panels, and sculptured art.

By some measures, glass is one of the most sustainable materials on the planet. According to the National Institutes of Health’s Chemical Waste Services (CWS), it can be recycled infinitely without losing its purity or durability. That means today’s clients—more than 50% of whom are interested in sustainability, according to NAR data—are increasingly attracted to recycled glass products in the home.

Recycled Glass 101

In most cases, recycled glass is glass that has been crushed and reheated. Crushed glass can also be mixed with other materials to make concrete products or terrazzo countertops.

But one of the most sustainable things to do with old glass containers is reuse rather than recycle them.

Glass is heavy compared to plastic, so the carbon emissions from transporting glass containers is higher compared to plastic.

Recycling glass can help reduce environmental problems stemming from overburdened landfills. So, if you will not reuse it, recycling the glass is better than throwing it away.

Recycled Glass Trends in Home Design

Recycled glass is a time-tested material that builders and designers continue to reinvent.

Here are a few ways recycled glass is used in new homes and home projects:

Recycled Glass Tiles

Recycled glass is easily incorporated into shower walls and kitchen backsplashes, either as a featured accent or the main event. 

Recycled glass tiles can also be installed to create a feature wall or add architectural interest to spaces. Outside, recycled glass tiles can be added to a pool, creating dry “river” scenes through landscaping, or line a footpath with color.  Such creativity!

Recycled Glass Countertops

My favorite!  Recycled glass countertops are unique, easy to care for, and environmentally friendly.  Crushed glass countertops have the aesthetic advantage of a natural material. They are also more affordable than granite, quartz, or marble slabs, making them an option for a budget-conscious homeowner.  Who doesn't love that?


Bottom line: As interest in sustainability rises, I, as a Real Estate professional, expect to learn more about new building materials that eliminate waste and serve a purpose, to better advise my clients.  Here are some ideas:

Finding Recycled Glass Resources and Retailers

If you want to use recycled glass in your upcoming home project, options for recycled glass production continue to expand.  Which is good news!

If you are looking for recycled glass in a tile application such as a bathroom or kitchen backsplash, Ocean Mosaics has a lot of options.  If you are looking for glass countertops, IceStone is a great resource.


 There are companies that use 3D printing technologies to turn glass waste into engineered stone products as a replacement for tiles or granite countertops and receive funding from the U.S. Department of Energy.  Your options are endless!  

Make your next home/building project a sustainable one!  

Adding value for my clients and loving where we live! 


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