Making Sense of it All...Stay Local!

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Real Estate

Judith Sutton ABR CRS IDS PMN ASP IAHSP SRES GREEN   908 803-0472



Making Your Home Feel Like You

Shop with Local Experts


When it comes to real estate experts, think local

The trend over the last few years has been to eat local, shop local, and spend money locally. This comes from a desire to support local businesses while easing some of the negatives that come from shipping goods and food long distances. 

But the trend can and should extend beyond simple food and essential purchases. When it comes to real estate, using local experts can provide you with a benefit that goes far beyond supporting your neighbors. (Though that is obviously a great benefit of this approach, as well.)

Real estate is one of those industries where local means almost everything. But in today’s world, networks make it possible to work with online tools that put you in touch with professionals just about anywhere. That is why when you’re assembling the members of your team to make your home purchase, I will go through (below) why it makes sense to work with a local real estate agent, loan officer, appraiser, real estate attorney, and home inspector to name a few.


A real estate agent is a real local expert

With the number of online resources that are available to help you on your home-buying journey, you may think that you don’t even need a real estate agent. You could be thinking to yourself that you could save a little money this way. Or you may have a friend or relative who’s an agent and licensed in your state, but unfamiliar with your area. 

It’s impossible to put a price on the value you get working with an agent that has local knowledge of your market, and maybe even familiarity with your home (as I have been- since 1983.  I can possibly recall the last 3 owners and their children!) (And agents generally get paid a percentage from the purchase, so the buyer is not responsible for paying an agent, anyway.)

Comment from a buyer:

"I’ll never forget looking at one home with an agent, and she not only knew the history of the house but was friends with the neighbors on the street. That really gave us an understanding of what living in that house, on that block, would be like, before we even made an offer. And that’s information you could never get looking at an online listing".

A library of local facts

This is just an example of one of the many benefits of working with a local agent. One that lives in the same neighborhood or has helped many buyers move into that neighborhood. Here’s just a partial list of insights that you could gain from a local agent that you might be able to find without one, but that would involve hours and hours of research and sleuth on your part: 

The history of the home, not just when it was built; the provenance
The personality of the neighborhood, not just neighborhood demographics
The quality and construction of the interior, not just pictures of the staged home
What the commute would be like to your office, not just the distance
What would grow well in the garden, not just the planting zone
Knows what the home is actually worth*

*Most importantly, a local agent can tell you how much the home is actually worth. Yes, they’ll look at the asking price and pull the sale prices of comparable homes. But they also understand what you’re looking for and can evaluate the quality of the home. 

They can speak with the seller’s agent, whom I may already have a relationship with, and figure out what the lowest offer that would be accepted. They can navigate the process with local professionals like appraisers and movers. And finally, they can tell you the best neighborhood establishment to go to pop some bubbles, and celebrate your new home! 

Benefits of a Local Loan Officer

There are many ways that you can get your loan online. Even Guaranteed Rate Affinity, which has a vast nationwide network of local loan officers, offers one of the best digital mortgage experiences in the country. But there are some other lenders that exist almost entirely online. While they are managed by people, you may go through the entire financing process without talking with one.

A local loan officer can offer you a more personalized experience, where you can actually sit face to face, and he or she can walk you through your loan options. Guaranteed Rate loan officers have many different loan options, each with their unique benefits. Instead of doing the research yourself online, or hearing from someone over the phone, you can get the info straight from the source!

Sometimes issues arise during the mortgage process, and using a loan officer with an office near the home you’re purchasing is much easier to track down and get your questions answered than a customer service line.  Wow! Personalized attention!

The power of familiarity

Plus, your lender may already have done business with your real estate agent or the agents representing the sellers. This sort of professional familiarity can help smooth over any rough spots that come up, either during the negotiation of the contract details or during underwriting.

Finally, and most importantly, a local loan officer knows the market you are buying in. They can provide useful guidance on the value of properties in your area. They also have access to a network of professionals in your area who are knowledgeable and able to help you throughout the mortgage process. 

Home Inspectors who are close to your home

A home inspector has to be local, in some ways, because this person will need to physically come to the home you’re buying to look at it. This is the expert who knows what sets a well-built and well-maintained home apart from the rest and can help you avoid a money pit. 

It is possible, however, that a home inspector could be hired who has more experience in a different municipality than your new home is located. In this case, they may not be as familiar with local regulations and mandates. An inspector who’s spent years working in your specific town or city could help you identify any issues with local guidelines.

Local law with your real estate attorney

On the topic of local regulations and mandates, a local real estate attorney can also help you avoid buying a home on the wrong side of the law. As a legal expert, it’s their duty to know all of the local laws that can affect you in the purchase, so the longer they’ve worked in that specific municipality, the better they understand them. They also have experience with local government offices that handle real estate documents, so they may be able to help you there if an issue were to arise.

As I have mentioned, there’s nothing more local than the home you’re going to buy. And because it’s likely going to be one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make, it makes sense to work with the local experts to make sure that you’re making the best decision possible.

Call me.  I can guide you to the best local experience for your next home. Your local, professional guiding expert!

Adding value for my clients and loving where we live! 


 908 803-0472
"...the right relationship means everything..."

Service & Experience

since 1983